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A depressed male chimpanzee lays his head on his arm. In "How Animals Grieve," Barbara J. King writes about how chimpanzees and other nonhuman animals' emotional and social lives.

The Need for Chimpanzee Rights

A photo of a stack of newspapers

Nonhuman Rights Project Chimpanzee Clients Hercules and Leo to Be Sent to Sanctuary

Comment re: Hercules and Leo: Dr. Ken Levy

Watercolor illustration of two chimpanzees.

Jane Goodall: Release Hercules and Leo to Sanctuary (VIDEO)

A photo of a stack of newspapers

Media Coverage: Hercules and Leo’s Court Hearing

A photo of a stack of newspapers

Judge Recognizes Two Chimpanzees as Legal Persons, Grants them Writ of Habeas Corpus

Hercules & Leo Re-file Documents

Bios on the Chimpanzees in New York Lawsuits

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