NhRP Executive Director Kevin Schneider appeared on Fox Business Network’s Varney & Co. to discuss the NhRP’s work in relation to the Trump administration’s decision to reverse a ban on importing “elephant trophies.” As Kevin said on air in response to host Stuart Varney asking about how his grandchildren will be able to appreciate elephants if they’re not held in captivity in circuses and zoos, “If we keep treating them as things, by the time I’m a grandfather, there will be none of them left.”
You can watch the entire video here, read our statement on the Trump administration’s decision (which it’s apparently now reconsidering) here, and read an Atlantic article about this issue (featuring NhRP Steven M. Wise) here. Thank you, Stuart and FOX, for inviting Kevin on the show to discuss these important issues!
Visit this page to learn more about our lawsuit on behalf of Beulah, Karen, and Minnie and how you can #RumbleForRights for elephants.