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Some of our favorite content by NhRP staff and supporters.
A photo of Billy the elephant standing alone in the LA Zoo elephant exhibit

Honoring elephants’ birthright of freedom

An illustration of one orca nuzzling the face of another, smaller orca in the open ocean

Why We Fight for Nonhuman Rights: Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s Story Part 1

A photo of three elephants walking together at sunset

The legal fight to #FreeHappy and the importance of dissent

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Urgent update: Something is wrong with Happy the elephant

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fencing of her enclosure in the Bronx Zoo's elephant exhibit.

Book about nonhuman rights nominated for Eisner Award

A photo of Lucky and Kimba standing in the elephant barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Amicus support for the fight to #FreeTheCMZElephants

A photo of a white woman smiling in front of leafy foliage. She is wearing a red t-shirt with a design of a mother and baby cow.

Staff Spotlight: Jennifer Brunk

A photo of chimpanzees in what appears to be a cement-and-chain-link outdoor housing structure at the DeYoung Family Zoo in Michigan.

In Michigan, an arbitrary discrimination based on species

Billy Dodson

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