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A photo of Kimba the elephant standing in a dirt yard as taken through a wire fence from an elevated walkway

NhRP to Colorado Supreme Court: Opinion in elephant rights case is wrong and dangerous

A photo of the Utah State Capitol building on a sunny cloudless day

Nonhuman Rights Project sues Utah over unconstitutional anti-rights law

A photo of Jambo the elephant standing in a dirt yard with a fence in the foreground. Her back legs are slightly bent.

Colorado Supreme Court: Only humans have the right to liberty

LouLou the elephant extends her trunk to reach into a bucket filled with hay that hangs from the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo elephant barn.

In the fight for animal rights, what does progress look like?

NhRP Webinar: Historic Elephant Rights Hearing in Colorado

Colorado’s highest court hears arguments in support of elephants’ right to liberty

A photo of Lucky and Kimba standing in the elephant barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Nonhuman Rights Project v. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Coloradans rally for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo elephants before historic hearing

A photo of a dog who appears to be a dachshund mix standing in the grass and looking at the camera with a calm and curious expression

NhRP argues dog should qualify as immediate family in New York case

A photo of Lucky and Kimba standing in the elephant barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Colorado’s highest court to hear elephant rights case

A photo of Lucky and Kimba standing in the elephant barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Amicus support for the fight to #FreeTheCMZElephants

A photo of chimpanzees in what appears to be a cement-and-chain-link outdoor housing structure at the DeYoung Family Zoo in Michigan.

In Michigan, an arbitrary discrimination based on species

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