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A photo of a white woman smiling in front of leafy foliage. She is wearing a red t-shirt with a design of a mother and baby cow.

Staff Spotlight: Jennifer Brunk

Attorney Owais Awan in conversation with the Nonhuman Rights Project

Colleen Plumb in conversation with the NhRP

Documenting the Suffering of Elephants and Other Animals: An Interview With Gigi Glendinning

“The key is ending injustice, period”

Chimpanzee Rights: The Philosophers’ Brief

Encouraging Respect for Animals Through Children’s Nonfiction

The NhRP's Lauren Choplin interviews the law professor who's using habeas corpus to try to secure personhood and rights for a spectacled bear in Colombia.

Nonhuman Rights in Colombia: An Interview with Luis Domingo Gómez Maldonado

A school of fish encounters an orca in the open ocean. Photo: ©Mike Korostelev,

NhRP Intern Alex Kleinman: Rights Aren’t A Zero-Sum Game

A depressed male chimpanzee lays his head on his arm. In "How Animals Grieve," Barbara J. King writes about how chimpanzees and other nonhuman animals' emotional and social lives.

The Power of Science-Based Storytelling: An Interview with Barbara J. King

Chimpanzee Cecilia stands in the grass at GAP Brazil's Sorocabo sanctuary.

Chimpanzee Cecilia Finds Sanctuary: An Interview with GAP Brazil

A Conversation with Thalia Field, Author of Experimental Animals

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