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What it’s like to argue in court for animal rights

Elephants Mari and Vaigai stand in a mostly dirt pen in the Honolulu Zoo elephant exhibit

I’ve studied elephants for over 45 years. This is why I support their right to liberty.

LouLou the elephant extends her trunk to reach into a bucket filled with hay that hangs from the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo elephant barn.

In the fight for animal rights, what does progress look like?

Nonhuman Rights Project Announces Christopher Berry as New Executive Director

Happy the elephant wraps her trunk around the fencing of her enclosure in the Bronx Zoo's elephant exhibit.

Book about nonhuman rights nominated for Eisner Award

A photo of Lucky and Kimba standing in the elephant barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Amicus support for the fight to #FreeTheCMZElephants

A photo of chimpanzees in what appears to be a cement-and-chain-link outdoor housing structure at the DeYoung Family Zoo in Michigan.

In Michigan, an arbitrary discrimination based on species

Elephants Mari and Vaigai stand in a mostly dirt pen in the Honolulu Zoo elephant exhibit

Our first Hawaii hearing

A photo of elephants LouLou and Missy standing in the barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Challenging the speciesist status quo

Amicus support for the fight to #FreeTheFresnoElephants

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