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A photo of Lucky and Kimba standing in the elephant barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Amicus support for the fight to #FreeTheCMZElephants

Update on Minnie: Latest Inspection Report on Commerford Zoo

The Commerford Zoo compels Minnie the elephant to stand on a stool at a fair.

Update on Minnie and New Actions to Help #FreeMinnie

Five people ride on the back of Minnie the elephant at a fair as a Commerford Zoo handler compels her to walk using a bullhook.

Commerford Zoo Removes Facebook Page After NhRP Supporters Urge Them to #FreeMinnie

Beulah the elephant lies on her side on the edge of a parking lot the day she died at he Big E fair.

New Commerford Zoo Records Highlight USDA Failures

A Commerford Zoo handler uses a bullhook to compel a costumed Minnie the elephant to stand on her hind legs during a fair.

Honoring Karen’s Memory by Calling for Minnie’s Freedom

All the Ways You Can Help #FreeMinnie Right Now

The Commerford Zoo compels Minnie the elephant to stand on a stool at a fair.

The Unjust Treatment of Elephants in Connecticut

Beulah the elephant lies on her side on the edge of a parking lot the day she died at he Big E fair.

New Action Alert: Honor Beulah by Helping Minnie

Take action for Minnie

USDA, Other Agencies Alerted to Dire Situation at Commerford Zoo

A Commerford Zoo handler uses a bullhook to compel a costumed Minnie the elephant to stand on her hind legs during a fair.

Connecticut Supreme Court Declines To Hear Minnie’s Elephant Rights Case

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