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What it’s like to argue in court for animal rights

A photo of Lucky and Kimba standing in the elephant barn at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

Amicus support for the fight to #FreeTheCMZElephants

Elephants Mari and Vaigai stand in a mostly dirt pen in the Honolulu Zoo elephant exhibit

Our first Hawaii hearing

Amicus support for the fight to #FreeTheFresnoElephants

A photo of Mabu the elephant taken by the NhRP upon his arrival at the Fresno Chaffee Zoo

Our new client in our first California lawsuit

A photo of Vusmusi the elephant in a training pen in the Fresno Chaffee Zoo

An unjust system that needs to end

A photo of a dachshund sitting peacefully in a grassy, dandelion-filled field

Argentine court recognizes dogs as rightsholders

A photo of Vusmusi the elephant in a training pen in the Fresno Chaffee Zoo

Venue for Fresno case to be determined soon

A photo of three elephants walking together at sunset

The legal fight to #FreeHappy and the importance of dissent

A photo of Vusmusi the elephant standing in a yard at the Fresno Chaffee Zoo

New Lawsuit Demands Right to Liberty, Sanctuary for Fresno Chaffee Zoo Elephants

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