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NhRP attorneys analyze the court's legally wrong ruling.

Why the First Department’s Decision In Our Chimpanzee Rights Cases Is Wildly Wrong

Inci Demirkanli

Why the NhRP Matters to Me: Inci Demirkanli

Alexia Norton Jones as a child. The home in Riverdale, NY where Nim Chimpsky was held in captivity in the early 70s.

In Loving Memory of My Old Friend Nim Chimpsky

As Long As There Are Humans

Lifelong Animal Activist: “I have hope.”

Movie poster, Unlocking the Cage.

Do You Have Your Popcorn?

What Does It Mean To Be Effective Animal Advocates?

Elephants Even Smarter than We Realized

Running Out of Patience

Elephant Eye

Three Faces of Elephant Captivity

More on Post-Captivity Depression in Chimpanzees

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